Safely enjoy your Halloween with these tips and your insurance coverage.
With just one more day until Halloween, it is time to make sure that you are ready for the spookiest holiday of the year. While your kids are most likely very excited for the holiday, it can be easy to get a little worried as a parent. Keep these tips in mind to ensure that you have a fun and safe Halloween in Orange County.
- If you will be driving on Halloween night, use extra caution, especially when you are driving in residential areas. Slow down and watch out for kids who can run into the street with little or no warning.
- When looking for a costume for your kids, choose one that is made of flame retardant material and fits well to prevent any tripping while out trick or treating.
- Instead of using a mask that can obstruct your child’s vision while trick or treating, use face paint or makeup to complete the look.
- Plan out a route with your kids before you head out that is through neighborhoods that have plenty of street lights and sidewalks.
- Only cross the street in designated crosswalks and follow all traffic laws. Teach your kids to make eye contact with a driver before making their way across the street to ensure they are seen.
- Inspect all of your kids candy before allowing them to eat it. If you find any open candy or pieces that look like they have been tampered with, throw it out.
- Before you head out to go trick or treating, feed your children a healthy, filling meal to help deter them from munching on candy while walking around.
To ensure that you stay safe this Halloween with the right insurance policies, contact Bisson Insurance Services in Yorba Linda, California.
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